Monday, August 3, 2009

When you trust me with your borrower's loan you're trusting me with your hardearned commission check and hoping I don’t screw it up.

When you give me your deal, I know you are trusting me with your commission and want to know I'll get the deal closed!

This is a challenging time we're in. I've been here before. I was selling Real Estate during the demise of the Savings and Loans. I remember the industry-wide panic all the changes when the Savings and Loans went into receivership. The government took control then like they are now.

One constant in this industry is change. Right now, we are going through the most changes to ever hit our industry. There are programs and companies that are gone and not coming back, so we need to move on!

There are no more NO DOC loans. There are no more 100% conventional loans and no 125% loans. The sub prime market as we knew it, is gone. I'm not going to cry about it, I'm moving forward - come with me. It's actually a great time to be a expert loan professional with 23 years of experience who's been through challenging times before.

We need to stop focusing on the programs we had the the way things used to be and find the people who are in need of the programs we do offer.

Lets stop listening to all the negative talk out there. There is still plenty business to be had. People are still buying and selling, transferring for their jobs, downsizing, buying that larger home, moving into nursing homes or becoming snow birds. Yes, the market is tougher and yes, deals are harder to put together, but people still need us and our services. Lets get out there and make them find us!

Trust your loans to an expert - Jolyn @ Universal Mortgage!

1 comment:

  1. Jolyn,
    Great blog!!
    I was hoping to see a photo of your blueberries~
